We from pureLEADERSHIP offer career services for private individuals as well as for executives and young professionals from companies. These services are graduated across the entire range and situations of individuals and companies. From founders and start-ups to career-oriented individuals and established medium-sized companies and corporations. From performance-oriented young people to professionals, managers, managing directors and board members.    

We offer graduated and individualized career packages. These always have a methodical focus on profit-oriented leadership in industrial companies. Career means taking on leadership and responsibility. Take on leadership and responsibility and you will make a career. We are happy to support you.

Making a career is a life purpose and a passion. It requires focus and prioritization on leadership and responsibility.


Leadership - Test your leadership skills
10 questions with current leadership content from the operational, strategic and personal everyday life of a manager in industry.

Manager? - Making a career? - Test yourself together with us
Do I have the leadership skills .....
Discussion paper on the results of the free leadership check incl.
first personal career feedback meeting.

Career Blog - Participate with your individual questions
Discuss career and leadership related topics with potential for immediate application.

Career coaching - We support you individually in your career situation
Get in touch with us. Send us your request without obligation. You will immediately receive a free initial assessment and feedback on the feasibility of your career project.  

Search for new employers - Would you like to have your dream position?
Do you know a company that you have always wanted to work for? Or would you like to get to know companies that could fulfill your career aspirations? We open doors for you, inform you about potentials and accompany you to your career goal.

Promoting careers in companies - Systematic career development
We develop individual models for you as a company for the systematic, internal career development of your workforce.