Few industrial terms have been written and published about more than "project management". Even the term itself has been examined in many different ways in an attempt to find a valid definition. Our brief therefore does not deal fundamentally with project management as a method. We describe the embedding of the project management applied in each case in the most important benefit of the method. Increasing profits in the project! Our project profit improvement method is a general approach and not limited to project management. Read in the brief how we combine our method of increasing profits with classic project management .....
Business Development
Products and services can only survive on the market if they follow a clearly defined business model. There must be a raison d'être for your products, services and processes. At pureLEADERSHIP, we call these models "technical business models". In industry, profits are only generated if the basic technical products, technical processes or technical services pass a well-founded and systematic technical-economic profit analysis. Our products for technical business models are therefore structured in stages for efficient application in practice.
Technical Restructuring
An industrial company is profitable if its products, services or processes are designed and offered in such a way that the market pays more than is necessary for the pure production and marketing of the products, services or processes. This value difference is your company's profit. Ultimately, the fundamental motivation "to be in business". With this simple insight, you can describe the entire market and business management interrelationships, expenses and necessities of everyday business life. The trick now is to separate what is important for profit orientation from what is unimportant.
Operational Management
Along the value chain from sales and project planning to engineering, procurement, production, delivery, on-site and service, a wide range of interdisciplinary tasks must be performed in a variety of organizational structures. All tasks require the same requirements of the people responsible at management and specialist management level. The focus is on technical and business knowledge, experience and a hands-on mentality and, last but not least, personal authenticity and leadership skills in order to successfully manage organizations, specialist teams, projects, activities or tasks of any kind.
Further training & coaching
Aligning company processes with a focus on profit is one side of success. The other side is the people and especially the managers who implement the goals every day. With further training, coaching and sparring on the job, our clients can staff high-performance processes with competent, performance-oriented managers. By developing the leadership skills of your key people, we develop the will to take on responsibility. With coaching, we support the practical implementation of leadership in everyday life. And with sparring, we offer experienced managers the opportunity to reflect and back up their decisions.