Profit-oriented project management .....

Few industrial terms have been written and published about more than "project management". Even the term itself has been examined in many different ways in an attempt to find a valid definition. Our brief therefore does not deal fundamentally with project management as a method. We describe the embedding of the project management applied in each case in the most important benefit of the method. Increasing profits in the project! Our project profit improvement method is a general approach and not limited to project management. Read in the brief how we combine our method of increasing profits with classic project management .....

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Management upwards or downwards .....

Management is an umbrella term for the completion of almost all tasks that are assigned to a person in business life. You have to organize yourself, think about how you act, what you actually do to satisfy your stakeholders. There are two stakeholder groups. On the one hand, people and organizations that are hierarchically above you and people and organizations that are hierarchically below you. Both stakeholder groups in turn have divergent goals. What now? What should you do? Do you fulfill the goals above or the goals below? The solution to the problem lies in .....

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Manager a non-word ? .....

Everyone is a manager. Everyone can do everything. The complete neutralization of the qualities required to perform a task in business life is en vogue. This leads to the overuse of the term manager. Everyone is a manager. It is therefore all the more important that, if you have "manager" in your job title, you note the following .....

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